Category: Kat of Typographies


by Kat of Typographies As a kid, one of my family’s most scintillating excursions out of the cracked concrete meth den of our south Kansas City neighborhood was to a lake a little ways from town called, with typical Midwestern extravagance, Smithville Lake. The drive – three little […]

Chaotic Equilibrium

Oscar Wilde said (sort of) that all we need to do to recapture our youth is keep on fucking up the same ways we did when we were young. Because I think if he were alive today he would appreciate my taste in disco pants and spoiled ne’er-do-well […]

Degenerate Verse

I have spent a lot of my adult life in bars. This is largely because I am an alcoholic, but also because I am a lonely masochist with an obsessive need to observe other human beings. I love, perversely, sitting by myself, eavesdropping on the conversations of strangers […]

Concrete Temples

I have a certain rule for myself to stave off sentimental aches and obsessive melancholy. I am prone to these turns all year round, but they become acutely annoying  in the winter months. It’s mainly the cold weather. I don’t like cold, the sharp stinging snap of wind, […]