
Isle of Man

by Bowen Craig

There’s a strange, intermittent phenomenon that keeps happening to us at Athens Uncharted.  Once I began writing these little country-by-country articles, we started getting repeated peek-ins and messages from, I swear to God, “Unknown Region.”  

Isle of Man flag

Where is this region?  Well, no one knows.  It’s unknown.

Whipping our crack research team into fighting shape, we began to scour ALL of the regions, searching for this elusive unknown region.  In the process of our research, we passed through some of the usual suspects of regional unknowableness: North Korea, Hindu Kush, Marianas Trench, Dark Side of the Moon.

Aren’t we in a phase of human history when we think ALL of the regions are known?  We’re wrong, as usual, but we won’t know this until later, until we begin looking back from our future smug position of thinking we NOW know everything. It happens every era.

It turns out that the Unknown Region is the Isle of Man, a British island so full of itself that it seriously calls itself THE island for all of mankind.  Maybe it is that all-encompassing.  I don’t know, I’ve never been there.